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In order to ease management of Virtual Private Servers a central instance is needed to provide an open and well-known Application Programming Interface (API). The VServer Control Daemon (VCD) is a daemon running in the host context providing the aforementioned API via XMLRPC, a simple protocol for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) using the XML Markup Language.


The current user-space implementation of the Linux-VServer kernel API suffers a mechanism to call any of the management commands regardless of the language or location of the caller. Such callers include non-C lanuages like Python, PHP or Ruby, remote GUIs for KDE, Gnome or even Windows as well as web control panels for service providers.

Therefore the VServer Control Daemon defines an API accessible by any caller capable of both the HTTP and the XMLRPC protocol -- two open standards implemented in most common languages.


The VServer Control Daemon consists of five major parts: the configuration database (VXDB), the XMLRPC Server, the XMLRPC Clients, the Template Management as well as a light-weight Statistics Collector.

VServer Control Daemon Architecture Overview

Configuration Database - VXDB

The configuration database (VXDB) stores all virtual private server related configuration data like disk limits, CPU scheduler, or network adresses. Furthermore the daemon stores information about its users and their permissions as well as owned virtual servers in the database. For convenience and size reasons the database is implemented using SQLite.

SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. The decision for using SQLite as database backend is based on the following key-features of SQLite:

  • Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable even after system crashes and power failures
  • Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed
  • A complete database is stored in a single disk file
  • Database files can be freely shared between machines with different byte orders
  • Small code footprint: less than 250KB
  • Faster than popular client/server database engines for most common operations
  • Simple, easy to use API
  • Self-contained: no external dependencies

The XMLRPC Server

The XMLRPC Server is the core of the VServer Control Daemon and implements the XMLRPC standard for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). XMLRPC is a specification and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Wide Area Network (Internet) or Local Area Network (Intranet).

The XMLRPC Protocol

XMLRPC is a wire protocol that describes an XML serialization format that clients and servers use to pass remote procedure calls to each other. There are two features that make this protocol worth knowing. The first is that the details of parsing the XML are hidden from the user. The second is that clients and servers don't need to be written in the same language.

XMLRPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data structures to be transmitted, processed and returned.

Here are some examples of remote procedure call (RPC) style communications:

  • There is a server that can measure atmospheric temperature. A client anywhere in the world can ask the server at any time what the temperature is. The "what temperature is it?" request and the "the temperature is..." response constitute an RPC transaction.
  • There is a server that can turn a light on or off. A client can tell the server to turn the light on. A request to turn the light on and the acknowledgement that the light has been turned on constitute an RPC transaction.
  • There is a server that knows the phone numbers of a million people. A client can supply a name and get back the phone number of the named person.

Here are some kinds of communication that are not RPC:

  • A long-lived connection such as an SSH login session.
  • A high volume transfer such as an FTP download.
  • A one-way transmission such as a UDP packet.
  • A dialogue such as an SMTP (mail) transaction.

Based on XML nearly any application can be enabled to call methods defined by the XMLRPC Server. The fact that XML is written in plain-text and also easily readable by humans allows tracing and debugging with no additional overhead or learning curve.

The server defines a global registry of methods accessible by its clients. These methods are devided in several logical parts and seperated by a dot in their method name. For a list of available methods see below.


Authentication in the VServer Control Daemon is based on the cryptographic hash function WHIRLPOOL. WHIRLPOOL is a cryptographic hash function designed by Vincent Rijmen and Paulo S. L. M. Barreto. The hash has been recommended by the NESSIE project. It has also been adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as part of the joint ISO/IEC 10118-3 international standard.

WHIRLPOOL is a hash designed after the Square block cipher. WHIRLPOOL is a Miyaguchi-Preneel construction based on a substantially modified Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Given a message less than 2256 bits in length, it returns a 512-bit message digest.

For security reasons the clear-text password is never stored in VXDB. The client will send the password as plain-text - the server then creates a WHIRLPOOL hash using the submitted password and compares its result with the hash stored in VXDB.

Access Restrictions

For a fine-grained access control the server implements its own set of capabilities. A capability is a lot like the keys on your key ring. As an example, consider your car key. It works on a specific car (it designates a particular object), and anyone holding the key can perform certain actions (locking or unlocking the car, starting the car, opening the glove compartment). You can hand your car key to me, after which I can open, lock, or start the car, but only on your car. Holding your car key won't let me test drive my neighbor's Lamborghini.

Owner Checks

To ensure the distinction between your car and the Lamborghini another access control system has to be implemented. Therefore the server also implements owner checks for most of its methods. This results in an extension to the capability model explained above. Instead of using one key per car, you can now drive multiple cars using just one key.

Still, this model has a noticable flaw: Imagine your company has two hundred cars and your top management should have access to all cars. Adding all members of the management to the owner list of every single car can become a pain in the ass very quickly. Therefore the user database in VXDB implements the adminstrator flag. Using this flag all owner checks are passed without even consulting the owner lists in VXDB.

XMLRPC Clients

The XMLRPC Clients on the other hand connect to the XMLRPC Server using the HTTP protocol. They need to pass authentication information, the method name they wish to call and optionally parameters specific to the called method. It is important to know that the connection between server and client is not persistent, i.e. you send one request, get one answer, and the connection will be closed afterwards. This also implies the necesity of passing authentication information with every method call. After the request has been received and processed the method returns a fault notification in case of any error or a method specific return value.

The Template Management

The Template Management consists of various scripts and XMLRPC methods used to build and create new virtual private servers. The Template Build process assembles a complete root filesystem usable in virtual private servers, and stores its content in a single tarball, the Template Cache.

The Statistics Collector

The Statistics Collector is a very light-weight daemon used to collect time-series data of running virtual private servers. This data includes memory usage, number of processes or cpu usage. The collected data is stored in Round Robin Databases (RRD) - the industry standard data for logging and graphing applications - for later use in reports or graphing processes.